Composite Bonding: Your Questions Answered

In a world where obtaining the perfect smile is talked about more than ever, you might hear lots about popular treatments like porcelain veneers, Invisalign, or teeth whitening. And amid all these exciting possibilities, you may be less aware of composite bonding. 

The perfect marriage of artistry and clinical precision, composite bonding uses tooth-coloured resin to improve the aesthetics of your smile. We apply the resin directly to your teeth before sculpting it seamlessly and perfecting your smile. 

If composite bonding is a new concept to you, it’s natural to have questions about what it can achieve, how the procedure is performed, and what you can expect from living with a smile that’s enhanced using this treatment. 

In this guide, we’ll share the answers to some of the most commonly asked composite bonding questions. 

What Issues Can Composite Bonding Improve?

Composite bonding is a versatile treatment that can address several cosmetic issues. These include: 

We’ll invite you to a consultation, during which we’ll discuss the areas you’d like to improve and examine your smile. 

Does Composite Bonding Hurt?

No. Composite bonding is among the simplest procedures, and it’s pain-free. In fact, where most procedures require an anaesthetic first, composite bonding is so painless you won’t typically need one. We won’t use any drills or needles, so there’s no discomfort to worry about. 

The process involves applying the resin directly to your teeth. We’ll then refine and shape the resin until it blends with your tooth and looks natural. The resin is then bonded to your teeth before being polished and tidied. 

How Long Does Composite Bonding Take?

Your treatment will be specifically designed around your needs. As such, the length of the treatment will vary depending on your treatment plan. 

Addressing issues on single teeth can take as little as half an hour, while more comprehensive treatments incorporating your full smile will take longer. Most treatments are performed in a single appointment. 

What’s the Recovery Time for Composite Bonding?

Once we’ve completed your composite bonding treatment, there’s no need to wait for the anaesthetic to wear off. Nothing about the process should cause you pain, and there should be no sensitivity or discomfort. 

You can return to your normal activities immediately after your procedure. Some people book in for simple composite bonding procedures and return to work the same day. 

How Long Will Composite Bonding Last?

We want you to enjoy the benefits of your beautiful smile for a long time. With proper care, composite bonding can last for around five to ten years. 

How Do I Take Care Of My Bonded Teeth?

It’s easy to look after your teeth after you’ve received composite bonding treatment. Brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush is essential. Flossing daily will also help remove bacteria and debris, which could cause damage.

We recommend visiting us twice a year for a checkup and making regular hygiene appointments.  

Because the resin isn’t as strong as natural enamel, you must avoid biting into anything that could cause damage. This means you shouldn’t chew anything solid, like pen lids. 

Composite Bonding at LUME

Composite bonding may not have the social media reputation of porcelain veneers, but it offers some fantastic benefits. It’s a simple and effective way to improve your smile without discomfort or complicated procedures. 

Contact us today to schedule your composite bonding consultation.

Composite bonding may not have the social media reputation of porcelain veneers, but it offers some fantastic benefits. It’s a simple and effective way to improve your smile without discomfort or complicated procedures. With skilled dentists in Wilmslow like LUME, you can trust that your treatment will be seamless and professional.

Contact us today to schedule your composite bonding consultation.